4 Common HVAC Challenges in Commercial Businesses: The Importance of Preventative Maintenance

Area Sheet Metal Heating + Cooling has a great reputation with homeowners here in Hobart, IN and surrounding areas. But we love to service our commercial customers, too! When running a business, you’ll have to think about the maintenance and condition of your building–and that includes the HVAC system. Commercial HVAC maintenance can help keep your heating and cooling in tip-top shape all throughout the year. Here’s what you need to consider about the most common heating and cooling problems as a commercial business.

1. You Wrestle with Inconsistent Temperature Control

Do your customers complain about feeling hot one minute and cold the next? One of the most prevalent issues in commercial buildings is the struggle to maintain consistent temperatures. This problem often leads to discomfort among both employed and customers. It can adversely affect productivity.

What causes inconsist temperatures?

Often, these temperature inconsistencies arise from several factors. Aging HVAC systems might not distribute air evenly, or the building's layout might lead to certain areas receiving more heating or cooling than others. 

Meanwhile, factors like sunlight or machinery heat output can create microclimates within the same space.​​

How to fix inconsistent temperature problems in your business

Regularly scheduled maintenance ensures that the HVAC system operates efficiently. This includes checking thermostats and control systems for accuracy and recalibrating them if necessary. Zoning systems can also be implemented to allow for different temperature settings in various areas of the building. If you need commercial HVAC maintenance, reach out ot us at Area Sheet Metal Heating + Cooling!

2. You Have Consistently High Energy Bills

Do you dread the day that your energy bills arrive? The truth is that commercial HVAC systems are significant contributors to a building's energy consumption. Inefficient systems can lead to skyrocketing utility bills and a larger carbon footprint.

Why is your commercial HVAC system using so much energy?

Several factors contribute to the inefficiency of HVAC systems, including:

  • Outdated equipment
  • Poor insulation
  • Leaky ductwork
  • Improper system calibration 

Keep in mind that a a one-size-fits-all approach to heating and cooling disregards the unique aspects of your commercial building. This can also lead to unnecessary energy wastage.

How to save energy with commercial heating and cooling

Preventative commercial HVAC maintenance helps identify and address issues in your commercial HVAC system. But if you are looking for easy ways to save energy on your own, consider the following:

Schedule regular HVAC inspections to ensure systems are functioning at peak efficiency.

  • Replace or clean air filters monthly to improve airflow and system efficiency.
  • Seal ductwork leaks to prevent loss of heated or cooled air and reduce energy wastage.
  • Install programmable thermostats for better temperature control and energy savings.
  • Upgrade to energy-efficient HVAC models to reduce long-term energy consumption.
  • Calibrate thermostats and control systems regularly for accurate temperature management.
  • Implement zoning systems to provide tailored heating and cooling in different areas.
  • Insulate pipes and ducts to minimize heat loss and improve system efficiency.
  • Use window treatments or shading to reduce heating loads in summer and retain heat in winter.
  • Regularly clean coils and fans for optimal system performance and energy efficiency.
  • Conduct energy audits to identify inefficiencies and potential improvements in the HVAC system.
  • Educate staff on energy-saving practices, like closing doors and adjusting thermostats appropriately.

Don’t forget that upgrading to energy-efficient models and incorporating smart systems for better control can also be highly beneficial.

3. There are Frequent Breakdowns and Repairs

Is your commercial HVAC always breaking down? Frequent breakdowns not only cause disruptions but also lead to expensive repair costs. These issues often stem from neglecting regular maintenance.

What causes commercial HVAC systems to break down?

Having your HVAC system break down is stressful. No business owner wants to worry about the comfort of their guests or employees. Your commercial HVAC system may break down frequently if:

  • Lack of regular maintenance leads to wear and tear of components.
  • Dirty or clogged filters restrict airflow and strain the system.
  • Aging and outdated equipment failing due to prolonged use.
  • Incorrect installation causes operational inefficiencies and malfunctions.
  • Refrigerant leaks reduce system efficiency and cause compressor damage.
  • Thermostat malfunctions leading to improper system operation.
  • Blocked or leaky ductwork disrupting proper air distribution.
  • Electrical issues, such as faulty wiring or tripped breakers.
  • Overuse or constant running of the system without adequate breaks.
  • Poor ventilation leads to overheating of system components.
  • Accumulation of dust and debris in internal components like coils and fans.
  • Inconsistent or improper servicing by unqualified technicians.

Get Commercial HVAC Maintenance and Repair from Area Sheet Metal 

Regular maintenance checks can identify potential problems before they escalate into major repairs. This includes inspecting components such as belts, motors, and filters, and fixing any issues immediately.

4. You Have Poor Indoor Air Quality

When you have a commercial business, you can’t overlook the importance of air quality. The air quality also significantly impacts the customer experience. Odors, stuffiness, or a general feeling of uncleanliness can deter customers, negatively affecting your business reputation. A fresh, clean, and well-ventilated environment, on the other hand, creates a welcoming atmosphere for your clientele.

What causes poor indoor air quality in your business?

Concerned about the indoor air quality of your business? These factors may be making your air quality less than ideal:

  • Inadequate ventilation systems fail to remove indoor pollutants, leading to stagnant air.
  • Dust accumulation in ducts and on surfaces circulates contaminants through air systems.
  • Use of chemical-based cleaning products releases volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
  • Mold and mildew growth from high humidity or water leaks pollute the air.
  • Pests such as rodents or insects contribute to allergens and dander in the air.
  • Inefficient HVAC filters allow dust and particles to recirculate.
  • Off-gassing from new furniture or carpets introduces toxins into the air.
  • Overuse of air fresheners or scented products adds artificial chemicals to the environment.
  • Outdoor pollution enters through open windows or inadequate building insulation.
  • Overcrowding increases carbon dioxide levels and body odor in the air.
  • Poor maintenance of HVAC systems leads to the accumulation of dirt and bacteria.
  • Smoking near entryways or ventilation intakes brings in harmful smoke particles.
  • Lack of regular deep cleaning allows the build-up of pollutants on surfaces and in fabrics.

How do you maintain better indoor air quality in your commercial establishment? Preventative maintenance should include cleaning or replacing air filters regularly, inspecting ductwork for dust accumulation, and ensuring proper ventilation to improve indoor air quality.

Enjoy Easy Commercial HVAC Maintenance with Area Sheet Metal Heating & Cooling

Commercial businesses must adhere to various regulations regarding HVAC systems, including energy efficiency standards and environmental safety norms. Regular maintenance ensures that the HVAC systems comply with the latest regulations. Professional HVAC services can provide guidance on compliance issues and help implement necessary updates. Call Area Sheet Metal today!