Spooky Signs that You need Furnace Repair

Halloween is here and many of us may have used the furnace once or twice by now. The furnace stands as a pivotal component in maintaining a comfortable and warm living space. This is especially during the cold winter months here in Indiana. A well-functioning furnace not only ensures a cozy home but also contributes to the energy efficiency of your home. If your furnace isn’t in working order, it might be time for furnace repair.

Like any other mechanical system, furnaces are prone to wear and tear, and it’s important to address timely repairs to keep them running optimally. Recognizing the signs that indicate the need for furnace repair is crucial in preventing prolonged damage.  It also enhances the longevity of your heating system. 

But what are the signs that furnace repair is in order? Consider the following spooky signs this Halloween season.

Inconsistent Heating

Is your heating system on the fritz? One of the most apparent signs that your furnace may require attention is inconsistency in heating.

If you notice that certain rooms in your home are significantly warmer or cooler than others, or if the furnace is struggling to maintain a consistent temperature, it is indicative of a malfunctioning system. This inconsistency can result from various issues, such as problems such as:

Thermostat Issues

The thermostat acts as the command center for your heating system, regulating the temperature and ensuring uniform warmth throughout your home. When it malfunctions, it can lead to uneven heating and may cause the furnace to respond inaccurately to temperature settings. 

Sometimes, the issue might be as simple as needing a battery replacement or a recalibration of the thermostat. However, in cases where the thermostat is outdated or has sustained damage, a replacement may be necessary.

Blocked Ducts

The ductwork plays a crucial role in distributing heat evenly across different rooms. If certain ducts are blocked or restricted, it prevents the warm air from reaching specific areas, resulting in uneven temperatures. 

Common culprits for blocked ducts include accumulated dust, debris, or even improperly closed vents. Regular cleaning and ensuring all vents are open and unobstructed can alleviate this issue, but in some cases, professional duct cleaning services may be required.

Failing Furnace Motor

The motor in your furnace is responsible for circulating air throughout the ductwork. If it begins to fail, it can lead to insufficient air flow, causing some rooms to be warmer or cooler than others. 

Signs of a failing motor include strange noises, such as humming or grinding, or a noticeable decrease in air flow. Addressing this issue promptly is vital, as continued operation with a failing motor can lead to complete system failure, necessitating more extensive and costly repairs.

Strange Noises

Speaking of strang noises, this is a standout sign that you need furnace repair. Furnaces generally operate quietly, with the normal sounds of operation being faint and barely noticeable. However, if you start to hear unusual noises such as banging, rattling, or squeaking coming from your furnace, it’s a clear sign that something is amiss. 

But what causes strange noises coming from your furnace? Several problems point to loose parts, wear and tear, or other internal issues that require immediate attention.

High Energy Bills

An unexpected spike in your energy bills, despite consistent usage patterns, can be a strong indicator of furnace inefficiency. When a furnace is in need of repair, it often has to work harder to produce the same amount of heat. This leads to increased energy consumption and higher energy bills for you. Addressing the necessary repairs promptly can help in restoring the furnace’s efficiency and reducing your energy bills.

Poor Air Quality

A malfunctioning furnace does more than just fail to heat your home efficiently. It also plays a significant role in determining the indoor air quality. When the furnace isn’t working correctly, you might observe an accumulation of dust around your living spaces, or the air could feel stale and carry a musty odor. 

These symptoms are indicative of problems within the furnace system, specifically relating to the furnace’s filter or ductwork, which, when addressed, can drastically improve the air quality inside your home.

Furnace Filter Issues

The furnace filter is designed to trap dust, debris, and other airborne particles. This prevents debris from circulating through your home. 

When the filter becomes clogged or is not replaced regularly, it can no longer perform its function effectively. This failure results in dust and pollutants circulating back into the indoor air, contributing to a decline in air quality. 

Homeowners should adhere to a regular schedule of replacing or cleaning the furnace filter (depending on the filter type) to ensure optimal air filtration. You’ll typically want to replace it once every 3 months.

Dirty Ductwork 

The duct system of your home is like the respiratory system of your furnace, distributing warm air throughout the various rooms. If the ducts are contaminated with mold, mildew, pests, or an accumulation of dust and debris, these contaminants can be distributed throughout your home. This leads to poor air quality. 

System Leaks or Damage

Leaks or damage in the furnace system can also contribute to poor air quality. If there are gaps or holes in the ductwork, contaminants from unconditioned spaces like attics or basements can enter the duct system and be distributed throughout the home. 

Frequent Cycling

A well-functioning furnace should complete a full heating cycle without frequently turning on and off. If you notice that your furnace is cycling on and off more frequently than usual, it could be a sign of a malfunction. 

This frequent cycling, often referred to as short cycling, comes from variety of issues. These include a dirty air filter, improper airflow, or a faulty thermostat. Addressing these issues promptly is crucial to prevent further damage to your furnace.

Visible Signs of Wear and Tear

Visible signs of wear and tear on a furnace are unavoidable as the system ages. But recognizing these signs early can play a critical role in maintaining the safety and efficiency of your heating system. 

Here are some examples of visible wear and tear, their implications, and the importance of professional intervention.

Rust Formation

Over time, exposure to moisture and other environmental factors can lead to rust on the furnace. Rust not only compromises the structural integrity of the parts but can also hinder their proper function. Components such as the heat exchanger are particularly susceptible. Rust in this area can lead to serious issues, including the potential release of carbon monoxide into your home. 

Cracks and Fractures

The constant heating and cooling cycles of a furnace put immense stress on its components. This is why you may notice cracks and fractures over time. 

These issues are most commonly found in the heat exchanger and can pose serious risks. This includes the potential for gas leaks and exposure to toxic fumes. 


Similar to rust, corrosion can affect various metal parts of the furnace, leading to deterioration and potential system failure. This corrosion is often a result of a reaction between metal components and acidic condensate produced during the combustion process. 

Parts such as the burners and the flue pipe are common areas where corrosion can occur. 

Signs of Overheating

In some cases you can see visible signs of overheating, such as discoloration of the furnace exterior or nearby walls. This overheating can be due to a variety of issues, including restricted airflow, a malfunctioning blower motor, or other internal issues. 

Get Furnace Repair from Area Sheet Metal

There's no need to feel afraid of the signs of furnace repair. Area Sheet Metal is here to help make your home feel warm and cozy this year.  Consider signing up for our Discount Club to receive priority repairs, discounts and more!