Should You Consider Preventative Maintenance for HVAC Systems this Summer?

If you’re like many homeowners, you likely don’t think about your heating and cooling system much. You know that it makes your home more comfortable. But when it breaks down, it can become a major disruption in your life. The good news is that preventative maintenance from Area Sheet can help keep your HVAC system in tip-top shape.

What is Preventative Maintenance for HVAC Systems?

Preventive maintenance for HVAC systems is a proactive approach that involves regular inspection, cleaning, and servicing of your heating and cooling units. This routine care helps ensure optimal performance. It also prolongs the life of your system and prevents the occurrence of unexpected, costly breakdowns. 

By staying ahead of potential issues, preventive maintenance transforms your HVAC system into a reliable, efficient, and long-lasting home comfort solution.

What are the Benefits of Preventative Maintenance?

If you have yet to get on a preventive maintenance plan, there are several reasons why it’s a good idea. When customers sign up with our plan at Area Sheet Heating & Cooling, they can experience the following:

  • Saves Money: Regular preventive maintenance reduces the risk of costly emergency repairs and extends the lifespan of your HVAC equipment, giving you more value for your investment.
  • Enhances Efficiency: A well-maintained HVAC system operates more efficiently, which means lower energy bills and a smaller carbon footprint.
  • Improves Indoor Air Quality: Regular cleaning of the HVAC system removes dust, mold, and allergens that can build up over time, leading to better indoor air quality.
  • Ensures Comfort: A properly functioning HVAC system maintains a comfortable temperature and humidity level in your home, regardless of the weather outside.
  • Prevents System Failure: Preventive maintenance helps you catch minor issues before they become major problems, reducing the likelihood of your HVAC system failing when you need it most.

Common HVAC Problems Prevented by Preventative Maintenance

No homeowner wants to deal with heating and cooling problems. However, the truth is that many problems pop up if you don’t maintain your HVAC. Below are some examples 

Dirty Air Filters

The silent, unseen menace of many HVAC systems, dirty air filters are an all-too-common issue that can cause havoc if left unchecked. 

Over time, air filters accumulate a thick layer of dust, pollen, and other airborne particles, restricting airflow and forcing your system to work harder. Regular preventative maintenance includes the following: 

  • Routine filter replacements
  • Keeping your system running efficiently
  • Dramatically reducing the risk of unnecessary wear and tear

A home with clean air filters promotes better airflow. Meanwhile, it also provides a healthier environment with cleanear air. If you have concerns about your home’s indoor air quality, ask us about our whole home humidifiers! 

Clogged Condensate Drains

As your HVAC system cools your home, it also dehumidifies the air, producing condensate that drains away. However, these drains can become clogged with debris and algae, causing water to back up into your system or your home. Imagine a bustling city street suddenly blocked by a parade, causing traffic chaos. Preventative maintenance can prevent this issue.

We do this by ensuring the drains are regularly checked and cleared, keeping the condensate flowing freely, much like city maintenance crews keep our streets clear and safe.

Low Refrigerant Levels

Like the lifeblood of your cooling system, refrigerant is what allows your HVAC to produce that cool, refreshing air on hot summer days. But refrigerant levels can drop due to leaks or overuse, leaving your system straining to cool your home. It’s similar to a car running on fumes. 

Regular preventative maintenance includes checking refrigerant levels and identifying any leaks. This ensures your HVAC system always has the right amount of refrigerant, ensuring smooth, efficient cooling and reducing the risk of costly breakdowns.

Do you have low refrigerant levels? Consider the following signs:

  • Strange hissing or bubbling noises coming from the unit
  • Increased energy bills
  • Poor cooling performance
  • Frequent cycling of the compressor
  • Ice build-up on the evaporator coils
  • Weak airflow from the vents
  • Unpleasant musty odor coming from the unit
  • Frost or condensation on the refrigerant line
  • Increased frequency of unit breakdowns or malfunctions
  • Warm air coming from the vents 

Malfunctioning Thermostats

A thermostat controls the comfort of your home. But when the thermostat malfunctions, the entire concert falls apart. You may find your home too hot or too cold, or the HVAC may cycle on and off at inappropriate times. 

Preventative maintenance includes checking the thermostat's calibration and ensuring it's functioning correctly, preserving the harmony of your home's climate control.

If you think your thermostat is malfunctioning, you may experience some of the following problems:

  • Inconsistent Temperature: Your home's temperature fluctuates wildly, or different rooms have noticeable temperature differences.
  • HVAC System Doesn't Start: You adjust the thermostat, but your heating or cooling system doesn't respond or turn on.
  • HVAC System Won't Turn Off: Your heating or cooling system runs continuously, regardless of the settings on your thermostat.
  • Blank or Unresponsive Thermostat Screen: The digital display on your thermostat is blank, flickering, or unresponsive to your inputs.
  • High Energy Bills: Your energy bills are rising without any apparent cause, which could mean your thermostat is keeping your HVAC system running more than necessary.

Electrical Issues

As time passes by, connections can loosen or corrode in your air conditioner or furnace. This causes the system to malfunction or fail altogether. It's akin to a well-oiled machine suddenly grinding to a halt because of a loose cog. 

Regular preventative maintenance includes inspecting these connections, tightening, cleaning, or replacing them as necessary. This helps to ensure your HVAC system runs smoothly, delivering consistent, reliable performance while preventing potential safety hazards.

Are you having electrical issues with your furnace or air conditioner? Here are a few ways to tell:

  • Tripping of circuit breakers or blowing of fuses
  • Strange smells or burning odors coming from the unit
  • Abnormal or excessive heat coming from the unit
  • Unusual humming, buzzing, or clicking noises coming from the unit
  • Flickering lights or power outages in the home
  • Unresponsive or inoperative thermostat
  • Yellow pilot light instead of blue
  • Poor performance or decreased efficiency of the unit
  • Higher than normal energy bills
  • Sudden or frequent breakdowns or malfunctions.

Join Area Sheet Metal Heating & Cooling’s Discount Club

Become a member of our Discount Club and enjoy a range of benefits to keep your heating and cooling systems running smoothly. You'll receive a safety inspection and precision tune-up for both your furnace and air conditioner, ensuring that they are functioning optimally. 

Meanwhile, all repairs come with a 25% discount, and our standard trip fee is reduced from $98 to $55, with after-hours trips reduced from $149 to $98. As a member, you'll also receive priority service, with all of your needs taken care of before new customers. 

Our team of professional, licensed technicians are fully equipped with fully stocked vans. We are always ready with a smile to provide the best service possible. Without membership, a single furnace or A/C tune-up would cost $155, so become a member today and start enjoying the benefits!